Design Details

430: Design File Sanity and Breaking Navigation Patterns



This week, we talk about design file sources of truth, Snapchat's evolution, and the qualities of great managers. In the Sidebar, we talk about building a YouTube channel from scratch, the opportunity for designers on YouTube, and ways to de-risk a new creative exploration.Golden Ratio Supporters:Zeplin lets designers spend more time on design, and less time prepping design files for the team. Effortlessly build user journeys with native connectors, flow groups, and text labels — no more maintaining extra layers in your design tool. Zeplin is so much more than just specs — get started for free to see why.The Sidebar:The Sidebar is an exclusive weekly segment for our Patreon supporters. You can subscribe starting at $1 per month for access to bonus content going forward! Sign up at VIP Patrons:Andrew AmbrosinoChris RoyConor MackPeter CarletonshanbergPatrick MarxGabriel ValdiviaAlessaDorian ZlatanAslam MarzookMain Topic:This week, we talk about design file sources of truth, Snap