Aging In Full Bloom

Choose Home Care Act of 2021


Synopsis (The Choose Home Care Act of 2021), introduced by Senators Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) and Todd Young (R-IN), aims to give more seniors the option to receive care at home for 30 days after a hospitalization, rather than going to a skilled nursing facility or other transitional settings. The legislation would open the door to a variety of home-based services, including skilled nursing, therapy, primary care, personal care, RPM, telehealth, meals, home adaptations and non-emergent transportation. My guest is Joe Russell, Executive Director at (Ohio Council for Home Care and Hospice). (Here's how you can take action to help this Act move forward.) (And here's a link to helpful tips to get your voice heard by your representatives.) image thanks to thinkstock Email me, Lisa Stockdale, anytime at - Aging in Full Bloom with