Rush Limbaugh Morning Update

Global Warming Cruise Gets Stuck in Ice, Green Bay Freezes Over (And Aaron Rodgers Says He Isn’t Gay)



RUSH: The global warming crew, this is so classic. I just love it. They’re going down to Antarctica — the South Pole, for those of you in Rio Linda — and they’re gonna prove that there’s so much global warming that there isn’t any ice, or very little ice, that it’s melting. It’s a cruise. And they get stuck in the ice far, far away from their intended destination. So icebreakers are called in. The icebreakers get stuck! There was a ChiCom icebreaker that got stuck. They needed all these fossil fuel, gigantic ships to rescue them after a week. And every news story — every one of them! Let me put it this way: Not one news story makes the connection that these are a bunch of hypocrites. Not one notes the irony. They just talk about a brave bunch of scientists needed to be rescued in Antarctica. Meanwhile, we have more record lows last year than record highs — and in Green Bay for football this Sunday? Oh-ho!