Big Timber Evangelical Church - Audio

100 Year Anniversary - Stones of Remembrance



Remembering the past plays a vital role in the identity of every local church. In the same way, God instructed his people to remember his work and his ways throughout scripture. One example is Joshua 4 where God instructed Joshua to have twelve men, one from each tribe of Israel to collect a stone from the middle of the Jordan and to set up a memorial on the newly crossed side of the Promise Land. Joshua’s stones of remembrance are just one monument in a series of memorials commemorating the mighty acts of God on behalf of the people of Israel (Exodus 13:3–6; 24:4; Deuteronomy 27:1–8; Joshua 22:9–12; 24:24–28; 1 Samuel 7:12). In the same way, it's important for us to remember God's work in us and among us. Forgetfulness is one of the greatest enemies of faith.  Remembering God's great acts in our life undergirds our trust in Him. Remember the negative is easy. Remembering the good takes intention. Matthew Henry writes, "The works of the Lord are so worthy of remembrance, and the heart of m