Running: A Fever

RAF301: Knowledge is Not Enough



The point of this series is to learn from my previous success, and also failures. But I said in episode 65 that it isn't about knowledge, it's about just doing it, and it's not easy. That thing about how overcoming an obstacle makes it easier to overcome the next one, so one success is a lot bigger than it may look at first. If I can get through a week without overeating, if I can get through a week counting all the calories from every meal, those things are huge, and the next week it's that much easier, and because of that, I can go further, until eventually, I feel as I did in episode 65, that I can do just about anything. You don't get there overnight and you don't get there easily. It's hard work one day at a time, and one success at a time we finally do get there, and hopefully, stay there. Read the full post at Photo Credit: Photo by Suzy Hazelwood from Pexels: