Have You Heard

#132 The Enemy Within



There is a direct line between what’s happening in Ukraine and the culture wars consuming your local school board. Writer and reporter Jeff Sharlet spent years reporting on Putin’s anti-LGBTQ crusade in Russia, and when he read Florida’s proposed “Don’t Say Gay” bill, it all felt a bit too familiar. The common thread, says Sharlet, the author of The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power, is the creation of a “enemy within.” And while the current crop of bills targets gay and trans youth, the real target is much broader, says Sharlet. In a word, it’s you. And in our In the Weeds segment for Patreon subscribers, Jack and Jennifer dig into the question of whether teachers are or are not fleeing the profession, and why the data may not matter as much as the pundits keep saying. Subscribe on Patreon to listen in. https://www.patreon.com/HaveYouHeardPodcast