Tutn With Kenny Pick

TUTN 2-6-2018 Many People Say Carter Page is BONKERS!



Listen to and / or Download the latest FREE Turn Up the Night Podcast featuring Kenny, Joe & Raine! In this episode: Carter Page just won't shut the fuck up. And we love it. Jokey Eyebrows! We're all Traitors according to Mango Mussolini. More #NunesBurger Nonsense. Trey Gowdy bursts the Trump Cult Bubble on the Meuller investigation! Sheldon Whitehouse!!! Joe Biden!!! Jeff "Too Little To Late" Flake. Name Calling & Birthday Boehners! Francie Calls In! Trumpski Loves Shutdowns! The Trump Cult reacts to Trump's shitty economy! "Thanks Obama!!!" Jimmy Kimmel with anti-DACA freaks! Much More!!! Enjoy!