Why Press Play

Idiocracy (2006)



On this episode we talk about a potential prediction of the future and a movie with a spooky foreshadowing of a crazy US President with time travel, energy drinks and stunted vocabulary its the 2006 cult movie Idiocracy. Directed by Mike Judge, this movie didnt do well in the box office for various reasons, but smashed DVD sales just 6 short months later.Joe Bauers (Luke Wilson) is put into cryostasis as part of a US military experiment with hooker Rita (Maya Rudolph) and they both wake up 500 years in the future. The world is a very different place with intelligence being a rare commodity. Joe is tested as is declared the smartest person in the world and is tasked by President Camacho (Terry Crewes) to save the planet from starvation, drought and other potential disaster.Tom 'The Bear' OMahony from Buckshot Podcast joins me to chat about this cult classic and we find it has ups and downs but is a thoroughly enjoyable, if juvenile film. The fart and dick jokes are interspersed with some clever commentary on m