Why Press Play

Highlander (1986)



On this episode of Why Press Play there can be only one, but you get two; Neil and Gordon Rochford talking about the sword wielding grimy New York action drama Highlander from 1986. Christopher Lambert plays Conor McLeod a Scottish mountain man from over 400 years ago who was blessed (or cursed) with the gift of immortality. After being stabbed by The Kurgen on the field of battle he realises he is special and after extensive training from Juan Vilalobos Ramirez (Sean Connery) he is confident enough to survive without losing his head! The movie jumps from past to present with beautiful transitions and tells the long life story of the Highlander in his quest for the prize!Gritty city scenes interspersed with flashbacks from Conor's life make for some wonderful eye candy; which may be one of the movies only redeeming feature next to the soundtrack. Queen provided an album worth of a soundtrack and it is amazing to swing a sword to! Neil and I take a jolly jaunt down memory lane for this one and we ask you to jo