Wellness Weight And Wisdom With Lisa M Pepe

HFS – Guest Heather Fletcher



This Health Freedom Series video is with special guest Heather Fletcher... Heather is a former air traffic controller and dynamo mother of 3 and a big proponent of medical choice When the pandemic hit she went along with some of the protocols, but got suspicious of the narrative After looking into things further, she noticed all of the media saying the same thing over and over It took her awhile to awaken, but once she did, she started to research and question everything Heather uncovered many things that didn't seem to line up with what the media was saying There is plenty of data available, but it isn't being given to the public who has a right to see it all Watch the video to learn how Heather decided to fight for health freedom and right to choose! For weekly wellness, wellbeing and intuitive guidance sessions, please join my Wellbeing Wisdom Circle at lisampepe.com/groupcoaching. If you would like a personal coaching session, go to lisampepe.com/individualcoaching. In the mean time, watch my video bel