Sydney Sexual Health Centre

EP 33 - Close The Gap Day 2022



For Close the Gap Day 2022 we meet some people working to enhance Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander sexual health. In this podcast I am joined by Kezia Blackledge from the Justice Health and Forensic Mental Health Network to speak about her work as well as winning the Levinia Crooks Emerging Leader Award at the 2021 ASHM Conference. I am then joined by Samantha Houben to discuss her exhibit Fe/Mail promoting Aboriginal art in a sexual health waiting room as part of The Waiting Room Project. Want to know more about the art? The current exhibit Fe/Mail can be found on their website. Here is the Take Blaktion campaign as part of Play Safe by the STI Programs Unit (STIPU): Want to donate to help support Close the Gap initiatives? To stay up to date with the latest information in sexual health, follow us on social media: