Leon La Grey Podcast

Ep. 48 Follow-up on Facebook, Automation and Robo Reps.



Coming back into the following up on the Twitch Convention I had from Last Nights Monday's Day Episode on my Twitch Tv ChannelTwitch.tv/leonlagreyEvery week I go live on Twitch and coming I'll be streaming Final Fantasy 7 and getting ready for the Remake coming up which I'm very stcked for. If you guys wanna follow me check out my social medias and website.https://www.twitter.com/leonlagreyhttps://www.minds.com/leonlagreyhttps://gab.ai/leonlagreyhttps://mastodon.social/@leonlagreyhttps://www.instagram.com/leonlagreyhttps://www.vk.com/leonlagreyOfficial Website is live! www.leonlagreyshow.comHumble Bundle https://www.humblebundle.com/monthly?partner=leonlagreyDownload the Podcoin on IOS & Android. I recommend it! Once you sign up for the app make sure you use the promo code promo code: LLGREY and receive 300 podcoin when you use podcoin app!Pledge me: ko-fi.com/leonlagreyMene.com/invite/KYCdi3https://www.goldmoney.com/w/leonlagreyGoldMoney Referral Code: leonlagreyGoldSilver Affiliate Linkhttps