Leon La Grey Podcast

Ep. 53 The ongoing YouTube Continue and Crackdown on Free Speech



Personal options on my YouTube's broken algorithm and breakdown I see with Google's YouTube on its liberal bias on its platform. New YouTube coming on a platform near you! after the Maza and Crowder incident we'll be seeing more more changing coming for the worst. If you guys wanna follow me check out my social medias and website.https://www.twitter.com/leonlagreyhttps://www.snapchat.com/add/leonlagreyhttps://www.minds.com/leonlagreyhttps://gab.ai/leonlagreyhttps://mastodon.social/@leonlagreyhttps://www.instagram.com/leonlagreyhttps://www.vk.com/leonlagreyOfficial Websites, socials and Podcast Platform @: www.leonlagreyshow.comHumble Bundle: https://www.humblebundle.com/monthly?partner=leonlagreyDownload the Podcoin on IOS & Android. I recommend it! Once you sign up for the app make sure you use the promo code promo code: LLGREY and receive 300 podcoin when you use podcoin app!Pledge me: ko-fi.com/leonlagreyMene.com/invite/KYCdi3https://www.goldmoney.com/w/leonlagreyGoldMoney Referral Code: