Between The Gutters Podcast

Episode 118: Women's History Month: Marie Curie and Rachel Carson



In recognition of Women's History Month, we read a pair of short comic book biographies. In this episode, the two works we discuss are Marie Curie: A Quest for Light (written by Frances Andreasen Østerfelt and Anja Cetti Andersen, and art by Anna Blaszczyk) and Seen: True Stories of Marginalized Trailblazers: Rachel Carson (written by Birdie Willis, line art by Rii Abrego, colored by Kieran Quigley, and lettered by DC Hopkins). Marie Curie and Rachel Carson are two important and influential women who have truly affected modern society with their scientific discoveries. The two comics we read provide great overviews of their lives and contributions to their respective fields. We both enjoyed and appreciated these comics not only for being informative and educational, but for taking advantage of the comics medium.