Today's Business Leaders With Gabe Arnold

Fitness Done the Right Way with Amir Pozderac - (Episode 99)



Can health and fitness help you become a better entrepreneur? If your body is functioning at its highest potential, so can your mind. As an entrepreneur, it can be easy to put aside your health for your business’ success. However, this doesn’t have to be the case. Fitness coach, professional triathlete and entrepreneur Amir Pozderac grew up in war-ravaged Bosnia and was severely overweight compared to his peers. He tried many diets, but nothing helped him keep the weight off long term. As he got older, Amir noticed the same patterns in others trying to lose weight with diets and weight-loss supplements. He thought, “What if there’s a better way?”. Through his education in Pharmacy school, Amir figured out a new model that allows for long-term weight loss and muscle gain without fad diets and supplements. He now runs a nutrition and weight loss program and helps thousands of clients all over the world. On today’s podcast, host Gabe Arnold and Amir Pozderac discuss nutrition, weight loss and other healthy pract