Today's Business Leaders With Gabe Arnold

Becoming the Authority in Your Industry with Joshua Lee - (Episode 111)



How do you make a meaningful connection in the digital world? In the oversaturated content market, connecting with customers and other businesses is harder than ever. What if you focused on quality over quantity? What if you combined monetization with meaningful connections? Author and long-time entrepreneur Joshua Lee figured out a way to do just that. Joshua grew up as an only child, so establishing relationships with people was an essential skill he wanted to learn. He knew he wanted to be an entrepreneur from a young age. From selling candy out of his locker to making money playing cards in summer school, Joshua always had the entrepreneurial spirit. While in college at UTA, he obtained his real estate broker license and dropped out of school. This was during the early 2000s when the housing market was still a free-for-all for mortgage loans. He soon moved to California to start his first business while also getting into the online world. He began doing online monetization for companies like Myspace befor