Today's Business Leaders With Gabe Arnold

Reprogramming Your Brain for Better Business with Nic Peterson - (Episode 117)



Being an entrepreneur means learning how to show up effectively for your audience. However, what if your current tactics aren’t working? Are you often asking yourself: "Why don’t they get it?” “Why is my business stagnating?” “How do I effectively communicate my intentions?” Today’s guest, Nic Peterson may have the answer you’re looking for. Nic has been an entrepreneur for most of his adult life. He is the co-founder and director of strategic development at Mastery Mode, a business consulting firm dedicated to helping small businesses grow. His entrepreneurial journey began at the ripe old age of 21 when he opened a small gym. Building a NetworkFor four years, Nic basically lived at his gym, doing everything he could to make it successful. While he mostly catered to the Ironman and bodybuilding crowd, he noticed that some of his clients were affluent and successful. Then, the lightbulb switched on.  He needed to know how to get more of these successful people in his gym. He started building his network