Martini Mortgage Podcast

Supply and Slow Down?



Episode 29 of the Martini Mortgage Podcast is about Supply and the ‘perspective’ of a Slow Down in real estate.  Many headlines recently share that supply, or the inventories of home for sales, are up.  Well the headline is correct! Another headline shares that Existing-Home Sales fell to the lowest level since Fall of 2015.  Well this headline is correct too!  Both headlines are correct however there is more to the story and you have to go beyond the headline to understand the entire story — episode 29 of the Martini Mortgage Podcast will share the whole story…not just on a macro level but also on a micro level.  In this episode of the Martini Mortgage Podcast, Kevin Martini offers an invitation to request for FREE his proprietary Real Estate Report Card that shows the heart of your local area.  The Kevin Martini Real Estate Report Card includes information: Affordability Index, Median Home Price, Historical Appreciation, Forecasted Appreciation, Total Employment, Median Household Income, and the Unemploymen