Martini Mortgage Podcast

Month End Myth



Does closing a home loan at the end of the month matter?  Is there any economic difference between closing on the 1st of the month versus the end of the month? Do you understand the what interim interest is.  At the end of episode 31 of the Martini Mortgage Podcast, with Kevin Martini's help, you you will have clarity of the differences between closing at the beginning of the month and the end of the month. Kevin Martini called Episode 31 of the Martini Mortgage Podcast the Month End Myth. This special podcast was recorded because many people believe that closing at the end of the month matters hence, the month end myth!  Why one believe the myth is not important.  What matter is understanding that closing on a mortgage at the first of the month or closing on a mortgage in the middle of the month or closing on a mortgage on the last ay of the month you cost are all the same.  HOW DOES MORTGAGE INTEREST WORK? it is not noice to know, it is important to know that: Mortgage interest in ONLY paid when you have us