Lawyers For Employers Podcast

Episode 28 - Construction Industry Alert: Labour Relations During the 2022 Open Period



The triennial "Open Period" in Ontario's construction industry runs from March 1 until April 30, 2022. During the Open Period, employees can apply to terminate their Unions' bargaining rights, shedding their collective agreements. Or, rival Unions can apply to displace incumbents, and create new collective bargaining relationships. Listen to the insights from CCPartners own Jay Rider, Mike MacLellan, and Brandon Loehle for a FREE WEBINAR outlining the law and best practices for Employers to navigate this Open Period. Topics of interest will include: 1. Union Raiding (Displacement) 2. Employee Decertification (Termination of Bargaining Rights) 3. Employers' Roles in Responding to or Intervening in Applications 4. DO'S AND DON'TS FOR EMPLOYERS DURING THE OPEN PERIOD