Those Conspiracy Guys

Oklahoma City Bombing



DEEP DIVE - On this episode we discuss one of the most devastating domestic terrorist attacks on American soil, The Oklahoma City Bombing; the story of which involved white supremacist militia, secret government agents, ex-military operatives, and of course the deaths of 168 people. On 19th April 1995 a truck exploded in front of the Alfred P Murrah Building and killed 168 people and injured almost 700 more. This huge explosion caused over $650 million damage and was apparently set up and set off by the now infamous Timothy McVeigh.Arrested away from the scene for a dodgy license plate; McVeigh became the main culprit and was paraded through network news shows as a vicious anti-government militia member with ties to white supremacy organisations. These militia movements and incidents involving them in the 90s; including the like of Waco and Ruby Ridge, were becoming almost commonplace in the modern news media. McVeigh was an ex-military operative and apparently worked on some special operations in special for