Those Conspiracy Guys

David Koresh and The Waco Massacre



DEEP DIVE - On this episode we talk about an event that arguably changed America forever; destroyed the perceptions of law enforcement for anyone that witnessed this event on mainstream media; and irredeemably erased at least some of the faith that Americans held dearly when it came to constitutionally held aspects of the US culture like freedom and security; this time we are talking about David Koresh and The Waco Massacre. In 1993 in Waco Texas the ATF and FBI initiated a sting on a Branch Davidian compound which resulted in a fire fight and a 51 day siege which ultimately led to the deaths of the 79 members of the so-called cult and their leader David Koresh. Investigations into the ethics and execution of these government agency order went on all through the 90s at a congressional level, but these agencies never saw justice. Koresh and his followers were killed by the US Government; this was on suspicion of child abuse, drug production and illegal arms sale and stockpiling. Many think that these charge