Those Conspiracy Guys

Project Blue Beam



On this episode we cast our eyes skyward and prepare for the end times as we discuss the seemingly inevitable extra terrestrial invasion scenario that was famously predicted by a Canadian journalist and now fabled conspiracy theories Serge Monast known as Project Blue Beam Blue Beam began its round in the public discourse after a 1994 article was written by the infamous Serge Monast and hit hard on the now 'alien abduction obsessed' public in the early 90s. The X-Files and other massively popular ET based shows made Monast's predictions of a fake alien invasion and global control mechanisms much more palatable to the general public Blue Beam itself, even until very recently, was also conspiracy pie in the sky; but now a plan to show a holographic projection of everyones personal deity in the sky with an individualised message for every human on earth using futuristic technology and, as Monast put it, a giant soviet computer with a log of all our thoughts on it; doest seem so far fetched anymore. Other global