Soma Spokane Sermons

02 | The Opportunity



Daniel 2 opens with King Nebuchadnezzar, the most powerful man in the world, afraid, agitated, and paranoid from a series of bad dreams — and he’s ready for heads to roll, including those of the Jewish exiles. But Daniel doesn’t panic or picket; rather, he goes to his community of faithful exiles to seek mercy from God. This little band of faithful see themselves as sent to Babylon to seek the welfare of Babylon, and they do so in prayer, trusting the sovereignty of God and the plans he has for them. God reveals the dream to Daniel, who is then given the opportunity to proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom to the King. As Exiles, we’re challenged to believe that God is sovereign over kings and kingdoms, that he’s bringing a final Kingdom in his Son, and that we are called to be a unique kind of counter-formation community within the Babylon in which we live. In order to resist the de-forming pressures of the empire, we need to form communities of prayer, revelation, rest and worship who see ourselves as sent to