Cee Bee’s Podcast

Season 3 Episode 37, “Competition between brothers.”



In this episode, CeeBee is talking about himself and Tommy Lee Brown, childhood and how competition was a driving force. He establishes the fact that Tommy Lee was a better player, fashion, talking, and outgoing person. His character was by far off the top. He describes how growing up in Leeds, Alabama and how they would punch racist kids in the face. lol. That is some funny shied.  They understand at an early age that race had an important part in their lives. Tommy Lee was better than CeeBee in basketball, band and track. Tommy Lee played the trombone while CeeBee played the trumpet. CeeBee was the Director assisted and would warm-up the band before the teacher would arrive and things like that. But for JHS basketball, Tommy Lee was better. He played good minutes from Coach Honeycutt. While CeeBee played 1 minute or seconds before the quarter would change. lol. They both loved the game of basketball. They won the Jefferson County JHS basketball Championship and Charles 'Wade' Barkley would present the