Goddessceremony Podcast Featuring Cassandra Wilder

Clearing Hormonal Acne Post Birth Control with Caralyn Hale



Welcome back to the CYCLICAL Podcast! In this episode I’m welcomed by holistic acne expert Caralyn Hale. I know acne is one of the BIGGEST struggles so many women have and that’s why I’m so excited for this episode.  Hormonal acne is common in our adolescence but also years later - especially when coming off of hormonal birth control. Hormonal acne can also be harder to heal because until we address the hormone component, many different approaches may not work.  You’ll love this episode if you’ve been seeking out solutions (and are tired of being to just go back on birth control to “fix” your acne…) In this episode we talk about: What hormonal acne is What hormone imbalances can create acne Nutritional deficiencies and acne Do we take a topical approach? Or an internal approach? How to support the body after birth control to prevent acne Genuine detox for healthy skin (not the detox you think) Addressing excess androgens What the gut and liver have to do with skin Foods for clear skin And so m