Marta On The Move Podcast- Hosted By Marta Napoleone Mazzoni

#158 What's in Your Toolbox? Simple Tips to Help Reduce Anxiety and Stress.



We all have a toolbox in our home. A toolbox is a collection of items that is there when we need it in case we have something to fix. All handy, and all in one place. It probably contains at least one of the following items- Hammer, wrench, nails, measuring tape, screw driver, etc. We create these boxes for fixing things in our home, but have you ever thought to create your own personal toolbox to use as a coping mechanism? I sure as hell didn't. Not until I heard someone talk about their own list of things that they held inside of their boxes. When life got hard, when they felt down and out, or at rock bottom, these things that were inside of their box were there for them as tried and true helpful things to turn towards. I have never thought about this in my life until this past year of grief and loss, but found myself looking for information on all things healing, change, and transitions. I joined grief groups, did classes, read a ton, educated myself on growth, loss and the process of it all. I thought I c