Swift Unwrapped

05: Objective-C Interoperability



There's been a much stronger focus on calling ObjC from Swift than the other way around, but in this talk we'll cover both directions and the parts of the Swift language involved in the process. ObjC Interop Overview Nikita Lutsenko's talk: https://realm.io/news/altconf-nikita-lutsenko-objc-swift-interoperability/ NS_SWIFT_NAME NS_SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT NS_SWIFT_NOTHROW NS_NOESCAPE NSEXTENSIBLESTRING_ENUM Nullability Annotations Generic Annotations ClangImporter (omit needless words logic lives here) PrintAsObjC Kevin Ballard's PR to include unavailable/deprecated/availability attributes: https://github.com/apple/swift/pull/6480 ObjC codegen via string manipulation. Very hackable. Proposals on ObjC Interop Referencing ObjC key-paths: https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0062-objc-keypaths.md Referencing ObjC property selectors: https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0064-property-selectors.md Referencing ObjC selector of a method: http