Swift Unwrapped

68: Opaque Result Types



https://forums.swift.org/t/opaque-result-types/15645 LazyMapCollection: https://cocoacasts.com/what-is-a-lazymapcollection-in-swift​ Get in Touch If you're enjoying the show and want to say thank you, the best way to do that is by leaving us a review on iTunes! It lets us know what you think of the show and helps us climb the charts so other people can find the show. We've also got a channel set up on Spectrum.chat! If you want to talk about today's episode, ask us a question or just follow the conversation, jump in anytime at: spectrum.chat/specfm/swift-unwrapped Thank you to Instabug for sponsoring this episode! Instabug is the simplest yet most comprehensive bug reporting and In-app feedback SDK. JP uses it at Lyft and it's proven to be a critical tool! Now, Swift Unwrapped listeners will get a free t-shirt when they sign up at https://instabug.com/swift.