Flying Sage Consulting

2.11 The Pendulum Of Awareness



The pendulum swinging is a massive opportunity for awareness and perspective. A massive swing is not so fun, yet necessary. We don't know what we don't know until we know it. Oneness does not mean robot. You are unique and created this way! The journey is tap into your true self discovering your wisdom, sage, life purpose, happiness, forward movement and love for self. You have a relationship with nature. Every day of your life. It is within you and outside of you. Ten-thousand things to Five Elements makes the pendulum swing a lot less. Massive radical awareness and simplification. :D *A few internet issues during this recording... I help seekers living unfulfilled achieve awareness, clarity, and self-actualization by connecting to the inner wisdom and brilliance of the sage within to evolve and become what they seek, and shine light into the world for all. Alchemy Academy: My mission is to bring the buried and hidden language of The Five Elements back to humanity. It is yo