Today's Business Leaders With Gabe Arnold

TBL Episode 9: Learn How to Manage Your Priorities and Put Out Fires



When you are in the thick of things it can be hard to stay on track and focus on priorities. Unexpected challenges can make it especially difficult to cross items off your to-do list. In this episode of Today’s Business Leaders Lisa of Impactive Strategies and Gabe of Business Marketing Engine explain how to merge work emergencies, or fires, into your day. Establishing Priorities You know what your prioritizes are and how to go about accomplishing everything. If not, check out our first episode to learn about the magic of 168. Aligning tasks and goals allows you to determine your priorities. Using A.W.E. to Prioritize A.W.E. is an acronym that stands for Awareness, Work and Evaluation. In episode two Lisa outlined how to use A.W.E. to end distractions. This principle can be applied to urgent and unexpected tasks that take you away from your to-do list. Being aware of priorities and creating a plan to take on these tasks ensures you accomplish what you set out to do. Implementing structure keeps your priorit