Rumi Forum Podcast

3rd Interfaith Leadership Forum: "Building Interfaith Partnerships Beyond Racism and Religious Nationalism"



Religious nationalism is on the rise worldwide. In the U.S., it has primarily taken the form of White Christian Nationalism: the affiliation of being White and Christian with belonging and mattering in this country. This program explored the nature of global nationalism and its specific manifestation in the U.S. First, we heard from Dr. Mark Juergensmeyer, who is an expert who has been studying this trend for over thirty years. His keynote remarks were followed by a panel of diverse faith leaders who shared their views on building interfaith solidarity to resist the White Supremacist Christian ideology threatening our nation. This program was a forum for people of faith to learn, become activated, and feel equipped to respond together effectively. Program Outline: Opening Remarks Rev. David Lindsey, Executive Director, Interfaith Council of Metropolitan Washington (IFC) Keynote “The Capitol Insurrection and the Global Rise of Religious Nationalism” Dr. Mark Juergensmeyer, Founding Director of the Orfalea Cent