Cody Builds A Business

2.14 - I'm Streaking



I've got a streak going. Today, February 21st, marks the 52nd day in a row I've done 100 push ups. Day 1 (Jan 1st) it took 10 rounds to get to 100. A grueling 30 minutes spent groaning and grumbling to myself. I was so sore the next day I could barely lift my arms. My form was horrible, too, as my 15 yr old son pointed out. Day 2 took just as long as Day 1. I worked through the soreness but my form was terrible. Same for days 3 through 10. But as the days and weeks went by the soreness stopped, the form improved, and I now knock out 100 pushups in 3-4 rounds over 6 minutes. But what I'm most proud of is not the pushups... It's the daily discipline of doing something I don't want to do. Something I know I'm not very good at. Something that can be embarrassing or make my body hurt. And while my physique looks pretty much the same as it did 50 days ago, my mind has sharpened with a daily discipline. So here's food for thought for the weekend: What can you do daily that will strengthen your mind or body? Could be