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GUARD GOD'S HEART - pt1 - Guard God's Heart



In “Guard God’s Heart”, Rodney shares that not only the world, but Christians in the Church can offend, and grieve the Holy Spirit. Are you guarding God’s heart? oIn light of all God has done for us, when we live beneath the life God has intended for us it breaks God’s heart. Paul challenges the church to throw off our old sinful nature, like dirty clothes. Let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. We are to put on the new nature of Christ, clothing ourselves in righteousness. Every time we sin or behave beneath the life God has intended for us, we trash our temple – God’s temple. We break God’s heart when we live beneath the life Jesus intends for us to live. Our response to the promptings of the Holy Spirit is related to how much we love the Holy Spirit. Our response can deepen or create distance in our relationship. If you listen, you might hear the Spirit trying to talk to you about your life. What steps are you willing to take to guard the Holy Spirit’s heart from being hurt?