Just My Opinion With Spiritual Studd & M.t.

Lies, Lies, Lies, Yeah



Fam, Simply put, President Donald J. Trump is a liar and M.T. wants to know why. She researched the subject and discovered an article called, "All About Lying."  The article states that the reasons for lying is to avoid punishment and to get something. Another thing is that we want to believe the liar. It is in our psyche to want to believe something that will encourage and help us. In the LGBTQ community we learn to lie to cover who we are. What we learn as we grow is that deep down lies make us sick. How many can deny that they felt better when they finally accepted who they were and could to be honest about it?  Unfortunately, lies are a part of our lives. They make life so much more difficult than it has to be. As those who voted for Trump are discovering, there is a price for believing the lie. The link to the article that M.T. references is below. Thank you for listening. Light & Love. SS & M.T. http://sciencenetlinks.com/student-teacher-sheets/all-about-lying-honest/