Friends Of A Feather

ep. 206: Creating Space for Others with Charlotte Easley



Charlotte Easley is a life coach with a background in clinical counseling work, specializing in trauma. She works with women to help them understand that their worth doesn’t come from what they do, but rather, who they are. When she was 56 years old, her youngest child went off to military school, but she knew that God wasn’t done with her yet! So she embarked on a “second journey” and began on a Master’s of Social Work program - in a classroom full of 20-somethings. So much gold in this episode. It’s like sitting and listening to a sweet, loving friend and mentor… Listen to our entire interview and then download her “10 Thought Habits that May be Sabotaging Your Relationships” from her website at Reach out to her on Instagram @thewomanslifecoach And feel free to reach out to me, too, on Instagram @friendsofafeatherpodcast