Courageous Fit Female With Jaclyn Castro

124: How to Know When It’s Time to STOP Chasing Weight Loss, Fitness & Health as a Godly Woman



We want to lose extra weight and make fitness and health our priority and lifestyle. That’s great except when it takes over our heart, mind, and how we live out this life. Our intentions, as lovers of Jesus, is to have Him lead our way and light our path BUT when we make weight loss, fitness, and health our MAIN thing it gets easier and easier to push God to the side. When He starts to fade away from our thoughts we forget about His promises and the fact that HE is what gives us peace, joy, and contentment. We also lose any desire to know Him deeper. And when we pay no attention to His words we miss out on so many opportunities to give HIM the glory.    When I hear loud thoughts inside my head saying, “You’ll lose out if you don’t do this or look like fill-in-the-blank” … and when I start to feel drained from doing all the things body, fitness, weight loss, watching how much food to take in, what’s too much, what should I avoid, what should I eat more of, and on and on and on… it’s a sign that I’m overdue to