Courageous Fit Female With Jaclyn Castro

125: Don't Know What to Do (or Where) to Start Your Weight Loss or Fitness Journey as a Christian? Don't Turn a Blind Eye to These 3 Things!



As a Christian, looking for a weight loss (or fitness) program is a challenge especially if you don’t know what to do (or where) to get started. With 819 million results to choose from you would think it would be easy to just choose one and go with it.. (Type “weight loss or fitness for women” into Google and you’ll get at least that many results to choose from!) The reality is that finding a single program appropriate for us as Christians is tough. Majority of the programs out there have a common theme: vanity metrics (PLUS they encourage you to plan out and pursue self-centered goals). Lift your booty, tone your arms, flatten your tummy, run faster anyone? (Easy selling!) It’s no secret that I wasn’t following God’s way regarding fitness and weight loss. I did what most of us would do (and still are… I get it). I followed what my flesh desired and did what I saw everyone else was doing. Outward appearances of the person leading a program MATTERED to me (a LOT). That’s what led me to make a decision for whic