Rwpod - Ruby Web

07 выпуск 10 сезона. Ruby 3.1.1, Future Javascript, RTK Query Best Practices, Jmespath.rb, и прочее



Добрый день уважаемые слушатели. Представляем новый выпуск подкаста RWpod. В этом выпуске: Ruby Ruby 3.1.1 Released Ruby 3.1 adds error highlighting gem Introducing Propshaft Delayed Job vs. Sidekiq: Which Is Better? Jmespath.rb - a Ruby implementation of JMESPath AnyCasts, Ep. 2: Of users and direct messaging (pt. 1) How to add Search in Rails using Meilisearch Web The State of JS 2021 Results 4 Ways to Handle Async Operations in Javascript Future Javascript: Records and Tuples RTK Query Best Practices Track down the JavaScript code responsible for polluting the global scope The second argument in JSON.stringify() - everything you need to know about monorepos, and the tools to build them Minze - dead-simple framework for shareable web components SwiftLaTeX - a WYSIWYG Browser-based LaTeX Editor RWpod Cafe 29 (05.03.2022) Сбор и голосование за темы новостей