Dr. Lisa Gives A Sh*t

DLG231 We need people like Emily Gallagher now more than ever.



This is the first DLG episode at the start of the pandemic. Emily Gallagher is running for state assembly against an old white dude who's been in the job unchallenged since 1973! WHA??? The election is June 23 and there are tons of ways that you can help her get elected without leaving your home! LOOK RIGHT HERE and DONATE HERE Emily is so inspiring because she is making a huge difference in our world and she is just like anyone else. No special advantages of any sort, she has to work for a living—no background in politics, etc. In this session Emily talks about her interest in letter writing at a young age, dealing with a sexual harassment situation at age 14 and her ability to get results influences her into being who she is today. In a poignant twist, Emily has recently lost her day job due to the pandemic. She takes us through her experience of getting let go over Zoom. We also find out her boyfriend is shy! Such great company on this show with Andrew Epstein who is an invaluable partner in her campaign w