Grey Matters Now

Episode 35: The Layers and Pages of Authoring Dear William: A Father's Memoir of Addiction, Recovery, Love and Loss



Best selling author David Magee, formerly a columnist for Newsweek, a former daily newspaper and magazine publisher, and the author of many books about businesses and sports figures began to shift his focus when he wrote wrote an article for the front page of the local paper in 2016. This personal article ripped the bandage off a wound, to air out and share for a greater good and healing all around. It began with these 2 sentences: "A new freshman class started at Ole Miss this week and I wish I could tell them ALL this story. It’s about my oldest son William, who was a freshman in 2008, he would gladly tell you himself if only he were alive." By the next morning the story had gone viral and read by millions of people not only coast to coast but all over the world!! The ripple affect of this article turned into waves of conversations, community and brainstorming about the why’s re: drug overdoeses, substance misuse, addiction and mental health…evolving into tangible solutions with the opening of the first wel