Activist Radio: The Mark Harrington Show

A Social Credit System is Coming to America: Reggie Littlejohn



What human right have the Chinese Communist Party not violated? They are a murderous, totalitarian regime – arguably the worst human rights violator in the world.  Among other atrocities, the Chinese force abortion, force sterilizations, force organ harvesting, persecute religious minorities, commit genocide, and are responsible for infecting the world with the coronavirus. In this episode, Reggie Littlejohn, Founder and President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, talks about the Beijing “Genocide” Olympics and how the Chinese social credit system is beginning to be imposed here in the United States. View her website HERE: Reggie is leading the effort to bring awareness to the real possibility of a Chinese version of the social credit system taking hold in the US through vaccine passports.  These vaccine passports could provide the same totalitarian functionality as used by the Chinese social credit system. Please listen and share this podcast. The Mark