Alternative Health Tools Podcast

163 Emotional Resilience Feat. Michelle E Dickinson



Today we explore the significance of healing from emotional trauma and recognizing that mental wellbeing is as important as physical wellbeing. Additionally, we encourage people to ask and accept help from others and check in on people around you, even if they seem to be just fine. Michelle E. Dickinson is a Wellbeing Strategist and passionate mental health advocate. She is also a TEDx speaker and a published author of a memoir entitled Breaking Into My Life. Michelle goes first and sees herself as the bridge that helps people get comfortable with their mental health so that they reach out and get the support they need before they hit a crisis. She makes it ok to not be ok and thrives on making a real difference in the lives of others – especially around their wellbeing.  Michelle is out to do her part to eliminate the stigma by normalizing the mental wellbeing conversation within the workplace and beyond. She partners with innovative leaders to bring them her Psychological Resilience programs and mental heal