

Does this sound familiar? You start off Monday morning determined to eat better. You’re going to finally lose those extra pounds. You’re going to listen to your body. You’re not going to overeat. By the end of the day, however, things didn’t go as planned. It’s not that you decided to give up or just not bother. You just weren’t paying attention. Despite the best of intentions, the next thing you knew, you ate too much of that overstuffed hummus and veggie sandwich, then grabbed a handful from the candy bowl of peanut m&ms each time you went to the kitchen to refill your water bottle or to get a cup of coffee. You really wanted to do better. What went wrong? You didn’t focus on being mindful. Mindful eating is the single most effective way to lose weight and keep it off, or to maintain a healthy weight throughout your life. You don’t need to give up carbs, count calories or follow a restrictive diet. Why do you distract yourself from that delicious food you love? Learning how to eat mindfully is the sing