Weight Loss For Foodies Podcast | Ditch The Diet And Lose Weight With Shari Broder

EP. 12 - Time to Ditch the Diet and the Diet Mentality



You’ve probably read it a million times. Diets just don’t work. Only around 3% of dieters actually lose weight and keep it off!   To put it another way, uncontroverted research PROVES that 97% of people who try dieting won’t lose any weight or will gain back whatever they lose within 2 years. Most gain even more weight. Yet every day, ridiculous numbers of people start a new diet! You’ve heard the definition of insanity, right? Doing the same thing over and over, but expecting to get a different result. So why is it so hard to give up the belief that you can become a thinner person and stay that way by dieting? Is it the appeal of hoping for that one magical diet that will easily solve your weight problem? Kind of like a genie granting your wish and about as likely. In Episode 12, you will learn: What is a diet? What’s so bad about diets? Why your chances of permanently losing weight on a diet is almost nil. Hint: it’s not about you. What you should do if you really want to lose the weight for good.