Courageous Fit Female With Jaclyn Castro

123: 7 Questions To Ask When Feeling Discouraged Despite Your Best Weight Loss Efforts



Do you feel like despite your best weight loss efforts nothing is working? You joined a weight loss program because you saw good results in others but when it came to you it didn’t quite give you the same outcome? Super frustrating. I know the feeling. You followed what they said but still, nothing budges or it only lasts for only a little while. Does this describe you? This episode will help you to figure out why that keeps on happening. Get ready to take inventory by asking yourself these seven questions. A part of my mission on this podcast is to help you dig a little deeper every time you return. I’m so ready to help you dig deeper so you can figure out why you keep getting discouraged and getting stuck even though you’re putting in so much effort to lose weight.  Go. Listen. Now. Stay Courageous & Fit, Jaclyn Why weight loss isn’t happening! Obsessing about your weight and obsessing about what you see when you look in the mirror? Constantly jumping from diet to diet? Is starvation mode normal to you