Rwpod - Ruby Web

06 выпуск 10 сезона. Rails, Rails and its Ruby dialect, How to Favicon in 2022, Apache ECharts, Griffel и прочее



Добрый день уважаемые слушатели. Представляем новый выпуск подкаста RWpod. В этом выпуске: Ruby Rails,,, and have been released! Rails and its Ruby dialect Custom esbuild for Rails Add a Custom Pry Prompt in your Rails Console The State of Ruby Formatters Papercraft - Composable Templating for Ruby Arbre - HTML Views in Ruby Hotwire Modals (video) Web How to Favicon in 2022: Six files that fit most needs How the Angular Compiler Works Replace JavaScript Dialogs With the New HTML Dialog Element JavaScript/Named Imports and Dead Code Elimination Zx 5.0.0 released - a tool for writing better scripts Apache ECharts - an Open Source JavaScript Visualization Library Griffel - CSS-in-JS with ahead-of-time compilation ToolJet - low-code framework to build and deploy internal tools quickly without much effort from the engineering teams Jazle - JavaScript library guessing game, a Wordle clone RWpod Cafe 29 (05.03.2022) Сбор и голосование за темы новостей