Cardiff University

Talking Anti-Racism at Cardiff Uni: University Library Service



Why is my curriculum so white? What does it mean in practice to decolonise the curriculum? Many Universities are now developing initiatives to critically review their curricula and diversify the resources which underpin this. Marilyn Clarke Director of Library Services at Goldsmiths University. Abyd Quin Aziz (Cardiff University Programme Director in Social Work), Errol Rivera (Inclusive Curriculum Manager, Cardiff Learning and Teaching Academy) and Regina Everitt (Library Director, University of East London and author of Narrative Expansions: Interpreting Decolonisation in Academic Libraries – published December 2021) will discuss the issues with Tracey Stanley (Library Director and University Librarian, Cardiff University). Pam mae fy nghwricwlwm mor wyn? Beth mae'n ei olygu'n ymarferol i ddad-drefedigaethu’r cwricwlwm? Mae llawer o Brifysgolion bellach yn datblygu mentrau i adolygu eu cwricwla'n feirniadol ac amrywiaethu'r adnoddau sy'n sail i hyn. Marilyn Clarke (Cyfarwyddwr Llyfrgell, Prifysgol Goldsmit