Free Enterprise In Three Minutes Podcast With Ray Keating

Episode #136: Federal Reserve Basics, Part III



In Part III of his look at the Fed, Ray explores possible explanations for why loose monetary policy failed to generate inflation, at least from 2008 to 2020.Set goals and make things happen! The Disney Planner 2022: The TO DO List Solution  and The Lutheran Planner 2022: The TO DO List Solution are here! These combine a simple, powerful system for getting things done with, either, encouraging and entertaining Disney quotes, or inspiration and comfort from Holy Scripture and Christian thinkers.Also, check out Ray Keating’s three most recent works of fiction. Vatican Shadows: A Pastor Stephen Grant Novel is the 13th thriller/mystery in the Pastor Stephen Grant series. Past Lives: A Pastor Stephen Grant Short Story is the 14th book in the series, and the 15th book in the series is What’s Lost? A Pastor Stephen Grant Short Story. Signed books are available at Ray Keating’s book Behind Enemy Lines: Conservative Communiques from Left-Wing New York  –  signed books  or at  Amazon.And