Rwpod - Ruby Web

05 выпуск 10 сезона. New Ruby Gem Signing Mechanism, Vue 3, Wordle in Ruby, Hotkey Behavior, WebVM и прочее



Добрый день уважаемые слушатели. Представляем новый выпуск подкаста RWpod. В этом выпуске: Ruby Rails 7 adds accepts_nested_attributes_for support for delegated_type A Proposal for a New Ruby Gem Signing Mechanism How I got Ruby snippets to run browser side in less than a day How We Fixed the Dependency Confusion Vulnerability in Over 600 Ruby Applications How to Find and Eliminate Flaky Tests How to Safely Change the Argument Signature of a Sidekiq Job Sneak preview: Writing Ruby gem native extensions in Rust MiniSql - a minimal, fast, safe sql executor Solving Wordle in Ruby Solving Wordle using information theory (video) Web Vue 3 as the New Default Why Efficient Hydration in JavaScript Frameworks is so Challenging Speeding up VSCode (extensions) in 2022 The Mystery of the Changing Favicon Use Streams to Build High-Performing Node.js Applications Writing a Printer Driver in JavaScript Hotkey Behavior - trigger an action on a target element when a key, or sequence of keys, is pressed on the keyboar